The Youthful Force Driving Climate Action By: The Rebelusionary

The Youthful Force Driving Climate Action By: The Rebelusionary

Imagine being a young person today, growing up with the knowledge that climate change threatens your future and the world you’ll pass on to your children. Their motivation stems from a deep desire to protect the environment, their communities, and future generations from the devastating effects of climate change. If it’s not them at the front lines of this fight, then who is it?

The impacts of climate change are far from uniform. Some individuals will directly experience natural disasters, while others will face gradual, long-term effects, and still, some may only encounter indirect impacts. Youth engagement in climate change is evident in United Nations data is evident in United Nations data. Nearly half a million young people worldwide have taken action on climate change through SGP (Small Grants Program) projects within their homes, schools, and communities (UNDP, 2015). According to a survey, 84% of young people believe they require more information to combat climate change effectively (UNEP, 2011). Additionally, approximately 73% of surveyed youth currently feel the effects of climate change (UNEP, GlobeScan Survey, 2008). An overwhelming 89% of youth respondents believe that young people can play a significant role in addressing climate change (UNEP, 2008). However, only 9% of youth express a high level of confidence that the world will act swiftly enough to tackle climate change (UNEP, 2008). Young people are pivotal actors in raising awareness, conducting educational initiatives, promoting sustainable lifestyles, preserving nature, advocating for renewable energy, adopting eco-friendly practices, and implementing adaptation and mitigation projects (UNFCCC). Read More. These passionate individuals, often still in their teens or early twenties, are reshaping the climate movement. Their motivations are deeply rooted in a desire for a new sustainable world. Yet, equally important is the spirit of intergenerational collaboration that they bring to the table.

Young activists bring fresh ideas, inspire others, and make sure that the decisions made today
won’t mess up their future. They hold governments and companies accountable, educate people about climate issues, and push for real change. Plus, as mentioned before, they’re in it for the long haul, which means the fight against climate change keeps going strong for generations. So, their passion and dedication make a big difference in the world’s efforts to combat climate change.

The impact of these young activists is undeniable. Their passionate advocacy has galvanized millions worldwide. Greta Thunberg, for example, began her school strike for climate action, sparking the “Fridays for Future” movement that resonated with young people everywhere. Their advocacy isn’t just symbolic; it’s sparking concrete changes. They’ve influenced policies, pushed corporations to adopt greener practices, and inspired communities to take action.

Importance of Intergenerational Collaboration
The beauty of the climate movement lies in its intergenerational collaboration. It’s like a family coming together to tackle a shared global challenge. Older generations offer invaluable wisdom, having witnessed the evolution of environmental issues over time. They can provide guidance on long-term strategies for sustainability. Meanwhile, young activists bring a fresh perspective, innovative solutions, and a sense of urgency. They’re not afraid to challenge the status quo and think outside the box. This collaboration bridges the gap between experience and innovation, ensuring that the climate movement thrives. Also, the combined power of adolescents and young people is acknowledged as a pivotal force in realizing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. While many of the youth are already assuming leadership roles, they are also the leaders of tomorrow, poised to make influential global decisions. Rather than being passive victims, young individuals worldwide are resolutely calling upon governments and other stakeholders, including industry, citizens, and civil society, to take decisive action in addressing the climate crisis.

Youth Activism in Global South
While numerous young people are passionately engaged in the fight against climate change, the
role of youth activism has often been undervalued in Global South. It’s disheartening to note that
the media channels often spotlight only their counterparts in the western nations. While young activists around the world have been at the forefront of raising awareness and demanding urgent action to combat the climate crisis, those in developing countries usually face unique challenges and barriers. They are frequently confronted with limited resources, inadequate access to education, and political environments that often prioritize short-term economic interests over long-term sustainability. Yet, these young activists are resilient and determined, harnessing their voices and creativity to advocate for sustainable practices, environmental justice, and climate resilience in their communities. It’s crucial that we shine a light on their efforts and acknowledge the vital role they play in addressing this global crisis by introducing some of these influential people in this blog post.

Elizabeth Wathuti
“Many young African climate leaders are using their voices to demand global climate justice and leading on implementing climate solutions in their own countries.” says Wathuti, “Despite their exemplary work and fact that they live and work on the front lines of the climate crisis, they often receive minimal media attention. The voice of every young person trying to make a difference is equally important in the fight against the climate crisis.”

Nkosi, Zimbabwe
Nkosilathi Nyathi, a 17-year-old climate activist hailing from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, provides a personal account of the transformations he has directly observed due to the impacts of climate change. He strongly believes that despite the evident and tangible effects of climate change experienced by young people like himself, there remains a lack of awareness and understanding among many. His mission is to alter this reality. Nkosilathi firmly states, “The urgency for action has never been greater than it is now.”

María, Mexico
From her early years, 19-year-old María has been intimately acquainted with the ramifications of the climate crisis, particularly the pervasive water scarcity affecting Mexico. With droughts and escalating temperatures fueling forest fires and cyclones leading to floods and crop losses, María has taken on the role of a dedicated full-time climate activist. She firmly believes that addressing the issue of water scarcity requires a holistic approach that recognizes its interconnectedness with the broader ecosystem. As she aptly puts it, “To safeguard our water, we must protect our forests.”

Tahsin, Bangladesh
At the age of 22, Tahsin Uddin stands as a prominent climate activist in Bangladesh, a nation highly susceptible to the effects of climate change. Through his youth organization, he advocates for eco-friendly transportation, specifically cycling, and imparts valuable training in mobile journalism to teenagers. Simultaneously, Tahsin actively engages in tree planting initiatives and coordinates clean-up efforts. His resounding message calls upon young individuals to actively participate in their country’s climate movement, emphasizing, “While we, as young people, may not be accountable for climate change, its repercussions will undeniably affect us more profoundly.” To get to know more global south activists and change makers, click here.

In conclusion, young activists are the heartbeat of the climate movement all around the world. Their motivations, rooted in a love for our planet and a desire for a sustainable future, drive real change. Their impact is profound, and their ability to collaborate across generations ensures a more balanced and effective approach to climate action. As we navigate the challenges of a changing world, we must celebrate and support the youthful force, from both Global South and Global North which are driving us toward a greener, more sustainable future.

Writer Details

Name: The Rebelusionary