Mark Joffe
Mark Joffe

My name is Mark Joffe, I am 71 years of age, was born in London in 1952 and emigrated to Israel in 1986. I have three children who were brought up in the war torn border zone between Israel and Gaza. 

I trained as an Ecologist in Scotland, studying Wading birds, from there trained as a Teacher and Youth Worker.

In Israel I have worked in Organic Agriculture growing Mangoes and Citrus fruit and for the last 20 years as a Biology Teacher in High Schools. I am now retired.

While I have been aware of the ecological and climate crisis for tens of years and worked hard in my role as a teacher to raise awareness amongst young people, the turning point for me was the challenge laid down by Greta Thunberg. She raised my awareness that this was not just a subject to be taught in schools but a existential crisis and a fundamental injustice and must be faced full on.

I realized that the forces responsible for destroying the planet are doing so knowingly – they put their profits before the future of the next generations.  They have to be confronted.

I have been a member of Extinction Rebellion Israel since its inception. I have taken part in Non-violent Civil disobedience, blocking roads and the access to public buildings. I have been a central part of its organization in Israel. 

I believe that to confront the forces that are putting their own interests at the forefront and causing a Global Injustice for the poor and less developed one must act in the spirit of Martin Luther King, the Suffragettes, and Gandhi. 

I have met many similarly committed activists in the last few years – putting aside their own short term interests to act to ensure a better future for the coming generations. These people have inspired me, especially the brave young people of Fridays for Future.

This new way of seeing my obligation as a citizen has not been easy. It has in some ways divided me from friends and family who do not share my concerns. I am trying to become a Vegan in a situation where those around me are not. I have vowed not to fly ( except for visits to my family in England) while others around me are traveling extensively. My several chronic illnesses are exacerbated by long hours spent in this cause. But this is a decision that I have taken – to use my retirement years in activism for this and other causes. 

I know that I am making an impact, even if it is a small one. There is no choice in this situation of rapidly accelerating Global Warming and its associated climate changes and social effects – hopefully enough people will be inspired to join so that we will be enough to force change. I will be Hunger Striking from 1st November.

Author Details:

Name: Makr Joffe
